Spring Green & Clean
Is having a clean home or office important to you? Do you suffer from seasonal allergies, sinus health issues? Or have sensitivities to...

Healthy Feet! Happy Feet!
Keeping your feet healthy is surprisingly, easy. Healthy measures include good hygiene, self-examinations and properly fitting shoes....

Nutritious, Tasty! Brownies!
This truly is a great #recipe! Many of my friends have tasted, tried and approved. (Myself included). Black bean #brownies are a...

Bugs Be Gone!
Being outdoors gives us energy, #VitaminD, and offers a plethora of activities to enjoy with friends and family. Yet sometimes, we get...

Safe Sunscreens & A Natural Recipe
Many #sunscreens contain toxic chemicals, or endocrine disrupting chemicals that in many cases can actually promote skin cancer growth...

Top 10 Men's Health Issues, Physical & Emotional & Dad Bod
Some men are all in when it comes to exercise and taking care of their physical health, some, well, not so much. This article is going to...

Is Caffeine Harmful to You?
The morning cup of coffee to get your day started is a hard thing to imagine letting go of—especially if you've been in the habit for...

Hormones and Your Skin
#Hormones are more than just sexual rollercoaster feelings. Hormones are the communication system from the brain to each and every cell...

Boost Your Metabolism
We all would like more energy. How do we do this? By ramping up our metabolism. We can do this with foods or... 1. In your workout. Walk...

10 Ways to Boost Your Bliss
Stay well rested -- The average person needs 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night. However, those who are stressed may need even more winks....