Nutritional Deficiencies & Your Skin
Nutrition deficiencies and skin.

Fraudulent Organic Community
We thought the problem was limited to fraudulent overseas suppliers; but fake organics are also grown in the US, and the USDA is...

Artificial Sweeteners, Diet Soda, Increase Risks
Ever find yourself wondering, “Is diet soda bad for you?” It may seem like a better option compared to sugary soda, but the science shows...

Helichrysum Essential Oil
This beautiful flower offer a myriad of health benefits. Scientific studies are showing benefits such as; reducing burnout and...

Water; Hydrated? Or Dehydrated?
When you're thirsty, it's almost too late. You're already dehydrated. Two out of three people have some form of chronic dehydration. Are...

Women, Stress & Your Skin
Fifteen million people are under stress in the United States, according to the American Psychiatric Association, and more than half of...

Smartphones & Mental Health
The orienting response is a biological advantage that our ancestors depended on for survival. Any type of auditory and visual change in...

6 Essential Oils for Libido & Romance
Bring Romance and the Spark Into Your Relationship, Naturally Before we dive into the best essential oils for sex, the first thing to...

Creating the Magic (Romance & Relationships)
Creating magical moments in your relationship is something everyone thinks about, but few people do. Perhaps it's because they actually...

Beat Winter Skin Blues
Winter skin is coming (or for many, already here), which means itchiness and dry patches. Why is that? Because winter air with its low...